- run in an east-west direction (the same direction as the equator), but are measured north to south of the equator.
- think lat as in lateral (latitude). steps on a ladder go up and down but run east to west.
- the equator runs around the globe at 0 degrees latitude (like a belt around the center of the earth).
- the north pole is located at 90 degrees north latitude.
- the south pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude.
>run in an __________ direction (the same direction as _____), but are measured north to south of the equator
>think lat as in ________(latitude). steps on a later go up and down but run east to west.
>the equator runs around the globe at _______ latitude (like a belt around the center of the earth)
>the north pole is located at_______ latitude
>the south pole is located at ______latitude
1 answer