Later civilizations of East Asia pretest

1 answer

1. What was the main form of government in ancient China?
a) Monarchy
b) Democracy
c) Republic
d) Oligarchy

2. Which dynasty is known for building the Great Wall of China?
a) Han Dynasty
b) Tang Dynasty
c) Qin Dynasty
d) Song Dynasty

3. What religion spread to East Asia from the Indian subcontinent?
a) Shinto
b) Confucianism
c) Buddhism
d) Taoism

4. Who was the first emperor of unified China?
a) Qin Shi Huang
b) Confucius
c) Laozi
d) Sun Tzu

5. Which dynasty is known for its advancements in art, literature, and technology?
a) Han Dynasty
b) Tang Dynasty
c) Zhou Dynasty
d) Ming Dynasty

6. What was the main form of writing used in ancient China?
a) Kanji
b) Hangul
c) Pinyin
d) Mandarin

7. Which East Asian civilization is known for its traditional tea ceremonies?
a) Korea
b) Japan
c) China
d) Vietnam

8. Who was the founder of the Mongol Empire that conquered China in the 13th century?
a) Genghis Khan
b) Kublai Khan
c) Attila the Hun
d) Alexander the Great

9. Which East Asian country is known for its unique form of theater called Kabuki?
a) China
b) Korea
c) Japan
d) Vietnam

10. What influential book of Chinese philosophy discusses ethics, morality, and social hierarchy?
a) The Art of War
b) The Analects
c) The Dao De Jing
d) The Tale of Genji