Last paragraph. I wasn't going to post it, but considering how atrocious my last two were...
A fictional invitation with details about a party. Include: date, time, location/ apparel/ purpose of party/ gift ideas.
Estamos teniendo una fiesta de cumpleaños sorpresa por la gran sala. La fiesta sorpresa será este viernes por la noche a las siete de la tarde. Vestimenta casual se prefiere, traje de baño es opcional. Camisa y jeans, o un vestido será aceptable. Habrá música, baile y una piscina. Este partido será una gran sorpresa para el invitado de honor. Él ha pedido a los libros, zapatos, o el arte suministra como regalos.
We are having a surprise birthday party in the great room downtown. The surprise party will be this Friday at 7 o'clock in the evening. Casual apparel is preferred. Swimming suit is optional. Shirt and jeans, or a dress, is also acceptable. There will be music, dancing, and a pool. This party will be a surprise for the guest of honor. He has asked for books, shoes, or art supplies as gifts.
As always, thank you very much :]