Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
His grandmother really enjoys spending the afternoon at the center for senior citizens. This sentence i feel is right am i missing something.
His grandmother really enjoys spending the afternoon at the center for senior citizens. This sentence i feel is right am i missing something.>>
I agree, but some would disagree. Grandmothers are not necessarily senior citizens...I know a grandma who is 36 (or so she says).
<His grandmother really enjoys spending the afternoon at the citizen center, or words to that affect.
I agree that the sentence is right -- because it's factual. As a senior citizen myself, I have many friends who talk about spending time at our local senior center. My daughter (who's "only" 51) and I went on a Greek tour with this senior center.
BobPursley suggested an alternative -- which may be the most politically correct wording -- but it leaves out a necessary detail. Senior centers are organizations where retired people can go during the day to play cards, do crafts, take trips, participate in exercises, musical groups, theater, special interest clubs, etc.