Lach day, students spend hours 1earning at school, with the untortunate

exception of lunchtime. That's an inexcusably missed opportunity because food is
an integral part of everyone's life. Rotating committees of students should work
with food professionals to plan and create themed menus. All students could then
for example, enjoy and learn about fabulous foods from other countries. Skeptics
might suggest students lack the time and experience to successfully complete
such an endeavor. Others might balk at the expense of preparing themed meals
for entire schools. However, when it comes to education, one must never put a
price tag on learning

How effective is the author's response to the counterargument?


The response is a universally known truth and thus completely
addresses the counterargument.

The response successfully provides a practical solution to the
concern expressed in the counterargument

The response dismisses the counterargument without specifically
addressing the concerns

1 answer

The response dismisses the counterargument without specifically addressing the concerns. While the author asserts that one should not place a price tag on learning, this statement does not adequately address the practical issues raised by skeptics regarding students' time and experience or the costs involved in preparing themed meals for the entire school. Instead of providing a concrete solution or details on how these challenges might be overcome, the author relies on a general principle, which does not effectively counter the specific concerns presented.