Labor group: Student labor union (I am in the labor group!)

Employer group: Administration of school

Directions: negotiate the student/admin contract (Some of these points from a realistic standpoint I wouldn't agree with but for this activity, I have to back up these demands from a LABOR (student) standpoint. Consider what ADMIN would say too that would turn over our "demands" . What are some things that could be said from the students standpoint to prove our demands and back it up from the "employer group or ADMIN"

1. School should not begin until 8:30 for m.s & h.s students.
2. Lunch period should be extended for 30 min more
3. Students should be permitted to choose which classes they want to take. "required courses" no longer exist.
4. No dress code. Students should be allowed to wear WHATEVER clothing they want to wear

5. Students should be allowed to wear hats if they choose to regardless of grade level
6. Students should be able to leave a class for a bathroom, water, or locker visit any time during class
7. Passing time between classes should be increased from 4 to 8 minutes
8. Participation in extra curricular activities like sports, band, chorus, etc.. will count as a credited elective for each activity the student takes part in, by replacing a class of the student's choice.

9. Every teacher should be required to give his/her students bonus point opportunities.
10. Teachers should be required to "curve a grade" when grades on a test are low.
11. Students should not be assigned homework over weekends and holiday breaks.
12. A student should have the right to retake any quiz or test over 50 points.

6 answers

I need help in backing Each point even though (in reality, some demands I don't agree and strongly refute from the admin side, but I'm not in the admin side which makes this activity difficult)
Some of my thoughts.

1. It's been shown many times that students need more sleep -- and should be allowed to sleep later than before.
2. Why? Do most students want a longer lunch period?
3. Will students be admitted to college if there are no required courses? Will this produce students who know no math or English or government? Is this good for society?
4. Whatever clothing they want? Could a student concentrate on school if a class mate were wearing a bikini -- or only thong shorts?
5. Why?
6. Any time during class? What about the student who takes advantage of this and spends more time in the halls and bathroom than in class?
Some additional thoughts. School dress codes have been unfairly enforced. Cheerleaders sometimes get by with skimpier clothes than the students from poor families. The most disruptive thing I ever saw in our conservative, rural school was the girl who died her hair green (a long time ago.)

Adults often have hour-long lunch periods. Why not kids?

Would very many students spend very much of their class time in the halls or bathrooms?
Some of the questions you are asking , you are asking as if you are on the ADMIN side. I need help with defending these points because I am in the labor student group.
For example: #2, I came up with the real situation in some schools especially when it comes to AP classes, students in chorus or band would have to leave 5 min early and get lunch and go to class. They go to class, take notes, do work while having to eat. (chorus or band students) It is not fair for them bc instructive time is not properly used because students are eating. If they were to be given 30 more min. they can finish there food and then go to class and have proper instructive time.

**I need help with the last couple points too please***
go to their AP class...^^
It's not fair the some students don't have a lunch break. Demand that the administration arrange schedules so that all students get a full lunch break.

11. Students need breaks from studying. They need to have the time and energy to explore other activities.

12. Students are minors and deserve a second chance to make up a poor grade. Research has shown that the brain isn't fully developed until about age 25. In other words, the part of the brain that says, I'm going home from school, do my chores, and then study and do my homework -- isn't fully functional in high school students.