Label each following situation (P)Parametric or (NP)Non Parametric

1.From a written survey where the respondents were asked to rate an individual on a scale of 1 tp 5, one group rated an individual a 3.7, a another group rated the individual a 4.3. Is the difference statistically significant?
2. A catering company is buying equipment in order to set up their own store. They a choice of two ovens that they can purchase for the store. The used oven is 100 less than the new oven, but its heating caliberation is off by 20 degree. Which one is a better buy for them?
3. Jim Smith owns three real estate offices in Amytown. He has decided between Hometown or Uptown as the town where he wants to locate. He will compare the mean number of homes sold per real estate agent and the mean commission percentage earned by agents in the two towns to make his decision?
4. A study to determine if job absenteeism is distributed evenly over the week.

1 answer

A new chewing gum has been developed that is helpful to those who want to stop smoking.

If 60 percent of those people chewing the gum are successful in stopping smoking, what is the probability that in a group of four smokers using the gum at least one quits smoking? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)