Kyle was a champion procrastinator. In other words, he was the king of postponing the things he did not want to do until the very last minute. After dinner one night, Kyle realized he had a book report due the next day.

Unfortunately, the book sat on his desk unread. Sighing heavily, Kyle propped himself up in bed and began reading the book. The next thing he knew, morning had come. Kyle went into the kitchen for breakfast and saw his mother reading a magazine at the kitchen table. "I'Il fix your breakfast later, dear," she said, but she never got around to making Kyle's breakfast. When Kyle noticed that it was time for his father to take him to school, he found Dad in the living room, watching TV. "I’ll take you to school later," Dad said. Kyle finally walked to school and sat at his desk, but the teacher wasn't in the classroom. Al last, she arrived and announced, "I’lI teach today's lesson later," after which she left the classroom. When Kyle went to the lunchroom at noon, there was no food. "We'll serve lunch later," said a lunchroom attendant. Baffled, upset, and hungry. Kyle stopped his friend Tony in the hall. "I can't talk right now- maybe later,* said Tony. Kyle tried to yell, "What's going on here? but no sounds would come from his mouth-and then he heard Dad calling his name. When Kyle opened his eyes, he saw that he was on his bed with the book propped on his chest. "You must've fallen asleep reading your book," said Dad. "It's time to get ready for school." Kyle realized he'd been dreaming. "I think my dream was trying to teach me a lesson," he told Dad. "I'm going to stop procrastinating-beginning now!”

Check my answers

1. What is the main idea of the story?
A. A boy's mother will not fix him breakfast before school.
B. A boy stays up all night finishing a book report.
C. A boy learns a lesson about waiting until the last minute. - my answer
D. A boy learns a lesson while arguing with a friend.

2. What is the result of Kyle putting off his book report until the last minute?
A. He has a frustrating dream.
B. He isn't able to eat lunch at school.
C. He earns a low grade. - my answer
D. He Is late to school.

3. What can the reader infer from the information in the story?
A. Kyle's teacher will excuse his tardiness on his book report.
B. Kyle will not get to eat lunch at school because he will have to finish the report.
C. Kyle's father will let him stay home from school to finish the report.
D. Kyle didn't finish reading the book and won't finish his report on time. - my answer

4. What message does the author want the readers of this story to understand?
A. Bad habits can make life more exciting.
B. Bad habits can cause problems in life. - my answer
C. Completing school work late will make you late to school.
D. Procrastinating is bad only if you don't get your work done.

1 answer

I think so