Kwami could have made his oral presentation more effective by using hand gestures and body language to express himself. Using gestures and adopting an engaging posture can help emphasize key points, convey enthusiasm, and keep the audience's attention. Additionally, varying his rate of speech during more exciting moments could also enhance engagement, but the primary improvement would likely come from the use of body language.
Kwami is giving an oral presentation about why testing cosmetics on animals is wrong. He provides charts showing the harm done to test subjects, and he gives a bulleted list about alternative methods of testing. Then, he plays a clip from an interview with a scientist who has done extensive research on the issue. Throughout the presentation, Kwami speaks at a steady pace while staying very still with his hands at his sides. He barely looks at his notes. After the presentation, Kwami takes questions from the audience.
What could Kwami have done to make his oral presentation more effective?
He could have used hand gestures and body language to express himself.
He could have read from his note cards throughout the presentation.
He could have changed his rate of speech during more exciting moments.
He could have repeated the scientist’s words instead of playing an interview clip.
1 answer