Here are the answers to your KJV Bible trivia questions:
Who was swallowed by a great fish?
- Jonah
What woman is known for her faithfulness to her mother-in-law, Naomi?
- Ruth
Which book of the Bible tells the story of David and Goliath?
- 1 Samuel
What type of tree did Zacchaeus climb to see Jesus?
- A sycamore tree
What is the last book of the New Testament?
- Revelation
Who was known for his wisdom and built the temple in Jerusalem?
- Solomon
Who had a vision of a sheet with unclean animals?
- Peter
Who is referred to as “my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth”?
- David
Who pretended to be mad to avoid capture and death at the hands of an enemy king?
- David
How many days and nights did it rain during the flood in Noah's time?
- 40 days and 40 nights
Feel free to ask more questions or for further clarification!