King Leopold II of Belgium's letters to Belgian officials, particularly in the context of his rule over the Congo Free State, often outlined specific tasks for Belgian agents that were primarily focused on exploiting the region for its natural resources, particularly rubber and ivory.
The key tasks that Belgian agents were typically instructed to accomplish included:
Resource Extraction: Belgian agents were tasked with overseeing the extraction of rubber and ivory from the Congo. This often involved establishing and managing plantations and collecting these valuable resources.
Establishment of Control: Agents were responsible for asserting and maintaining Belgian control over the territory. This included establishing military outposts, administering local populations, and suppressing resistance.
Revenue Generation: Maximizing profits from the exploitation of the Congo's resources was a primary concern. Agents were often expected to meet specific quotas for resource collection and ensure that these were reported back to the government.
Building Infrastructure: Although infrastructure development was limited, agents might have also been called upon to support the construction of roads, railways, and facilities necessary for resource transport and administration.
Subjugation of Local Populations: Agents were instructed to work with local leaders and, when necessary, employ brutal methods to ensure compliance and control over the indigenous populations.
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