Kindly correct my answers.
Direction: Arrange the sentences to form unified, coherent, logical and orderly paragraph.
1. a.For example ostriches and penguins cannot fly.
b.The fastest birds can fly 100 km per hour.
c.When people think of birds, they think first of their flying ability.
d.However not all birds can fly.
e.They used their wings only for balance.
2.a.But as children grow older, their bones become harder and strong.
b.This is why they cannot get up and stand erect.
c.The food they eat helps them develop strong bones.
d.Babies have soft bones.
e.Sunlight and exercise also help in the growth and development of their bones.
3.a.This great invention was the result of many yeas of training.
b.But Bell was the first to succeed.
c.He is known as the inventor of the telephone.
d.Alexander Graham Bell was an American scientist.
e.Many inventors worked to send speech by wire.
5 answers
I disagree with what you have for 3, though.