kilojoules released when 80.0g of steam condenses at 100 ∘C and to cool the liquid and freeze it at 0 ∘C

I used the formula for condensation/ evaporation( 80.0g(2260)1kJ/1000J=632.8)

and then i used the formula for heat of fusion(80.0g(334/1)1kJ/1000J=26.72)

then added together (632.8+26.72=659.52kJ)

but the website keeps telling me im wrong. Did I do something wrong in my calculations or did I use the wrong formulas

2 answers

you did not add the heat given off during cooling from 100C to 0C
kilojoules released when 90.0 g of steam condenses at 100 ∘C, cools, and freezes at 0 ∘C