Key Words
Dictionary - A book or online resource that lists words with their definitions, pronunciations, and usage.
Glossary - An alphabetical list of words that relate to a text or subject matter with their definitions. They can be found in the back of a textbook.
Pronunciation - The way a word is said phonetically.
Thesaurus - A book or online resource that lists words with their synonyms and antonyms.
Word Origin - The historical making of a word’s meaning and use.
When would you use a thesaurus?
I would use a thesaurus if I needed to make my writing more exciting by replacing dull words with better ones.
When would you use a dictionary?
I would use a dictionary if I needed to know what a word meant or how to pronounce it.
Fill in the blank:
A glossary in the back of a book may define words in the book. Along with definitions, a dictionary features pronunciations and word origins. You may look in a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms for a word.
Unit 6 Lesson 6: Using Reference Materials
Key Words
Definition - The meaning of a word.
Syllable - A word part that is pronounced with more force than the others. Example: Tel-e-phone (Telephone) has 3 syllables.
Fill in the blank (pg. 2):
The line that is over the e in legal tells that it is a long e, as in bee. The accent mark tells you that the first syllable of the word is stressed.
Use the dictionary entry in the picture below to answer the following questions (page 3 of 12 - Unit 6 Lesson 6):
What syllable is stressed in the word ethics?
The first syllable is stressed. -
What part of speech is ethic? Noun or Verb?
Noun. -
Does the e in ethics have a long sound? YES or NO?
Unit 6 Lesson 7: Etymological Spelling Patterns
Key Words
Etymology - The study of the origin of words and how their meanings have changed throughout history.
Fill in the blanks (pg. 2):
If you know where a word comes from, you can use that knowledge to figure out the word’s meaning.
The root “aer” means air.
What does the root “pac” mean (pg. 3)? peace.
What does it mean to pacify your friends (pg. 3)?
To pacify your friends means to calm them down or restore peace in a situation.
(page 4 of 5 - Unit 6 Lesson 7)
Question 1 Answer: The first syllable is stressed.
Question 3 Answer: To calm them down or restore peace in a situation.