Kepamo River
PH reading
8.06 Hz
7.61 Hz
7.68 Hz
Conductivity 19.7 µS/cm
Total dissolve solid 14.66mg
Conductivity: 19.7 µS/cm
Total dissolve solid 14.6
Conductivity 19.7 µS/cm
Total dissolve solids 74.68mg/L
Dissolve oxygen concentration
DO2 saturation. 1.41 E-4%
DO2 Concentration. 1.35 E -8mg/L
Solution temp (°C). 0.00 °C
Dissolve oxygen concentration
DO2 saturation. 2.69 E-4%
DO2 Concentration. 1.17 E-8mg/L
Solution temp (°C). 0 °C
Dissolve oxygen concentration
DO2 saturation. 2.69 E-4%
DO2 Concentration. 9.2 E-7mg/L
Solution temp (°C). 0 °C
Latitude: 6.00850° longitude: 147.33935°
Altitude: 1613m speed: 0 second
Satellite count: 10
Latitude 6.00857° longitude 145.33949°
Altitude 1616m speed 0.5 second
Satellite count 10
Turbidity test
123.1 NTu
121.1 NTu
Absorbance test
Red: 0.267, Blue: 0.320, Green: 0
Yellow: 0, Violet: 0, Orange: 0
Red: 53.7%, Orange: 141.2%, yellow: 187.5%, Green: 165%, Blue: 93%, Violet: 246.2%
Results KEPAMO River
Depth (downstream) Depth
upstream Floating test
Time elapse
43cm (1) 10cm (1) 13.06s (1)
66cm (2) 66cm (2) 7.54s (2)
17cm (3) 44cm (3) 8.33s (3)
43+66+17=126 10+66+44=120 9.39s (4)
Av=126/3=42cm Av=120/3=40cm 7.41s (5)
Mapemo River
Ph. test
A.7.14Hz, B.7.56Hz, C.7.99Hz
Conductivity test
A.29.3 µS/cm, B.0.3 µS/cm
C.27.7 µS/cm
TDS test
A.20.79mg/L, B. 0.24mg/L,
DO test
A. 3.03 E-9mg/L, B.6.81 E 10mg/L
C. 9.52 E-11mg/L
Solution temperature
0.03 °C, B. 0.02 °C, C.0.01 °C
Turbidity test
Absorbance test
Red: 0.274, Blue: 0.040
Violet: 245.5%.Blue:90.4%, Green: 161.5%, yellow: 181.6%, orange; 141.2% & Red: 53.1%
Stream flow measurement
Segment A. width: 8.1m (810/3)
Depth: right; 45cm, middle; 108cm, left; 80cm
Segment B. width: 390/3=9.9m
Depth: right; 32cm. middle; 84cm. left: 80cm
Stream flow vs velocity
Trial vs time
1. 11.3s
2. 8s
3. 7.25s
4. 7.45s
5. 9.25s
Average. 8.64s
GPS Coordinate
Segment A:
Longitude: - 145.37338°
Altitude: 1621m
Satellite unit: -9
Speed: 0/s (not necessary)
Segment B.
Latitude: -604481°
Longitude: 145.37335°
Altitude: 1623m
Satellite unit: 7
Speed: 0.05 m/s? (Not necessary)
Use the above information and accordingly, lab report criteria given below.
Include general details such as background information (on streamflow and discharge plus
physiochemical parameter tests of streams/rivers), objective(s) of the field trip, research questions (or hypotheses), purpose of the trip, importance of the field trip and limitations or setbacks experiences during the trip.
2.0 Body (Result and Discussion)
2.1 Tabulate the data you have collected on streamflow or velocity. Include the replicates
(trials) and the derived calculated average values. Incorporate data for both Kefamo River
and Mapemo River.
2.2 Calculate stream discharge for each river using the derived average streamflow (velocity)
values. Multiply each stream discharge value by a correction factor of 0.85 (85%). The
answer that you get is the final stream discharge value for that particular river corrected
to 85%.
2.3 Sketch a float method set-up diagram (include measurements) for each river.
2.4 Tabulate data generated from the selected physiochemical parameter tests. Include the
replicates (trials) and the derived calculated average values.
2.5 Using excel spreadsheet, run statistical regression analysis on the following parameters:
• Stream flow vs pH
• Streamflow vs turbidity
• Streamflow vs EC
2.6 Provide and explanatory discussion to each of the result presented
3.0 Conclusion
summarize your key findings (results) and clearly indicate whether the field trip objectives were achieved or not achieved.
4.0 Recommendation
Point out any positives (strengths) or negatives (weaknesses) and make suggestions to improve this filed trip to your expectations.
1 answer
1. Introduction:
During the field trip, measurements of streamflow and physiochemical parameters were conducted in Kepamo River and Mapemo River. The objectives of the trip were to assess the streamflow and physiochemical properties of the rivers, investigate any correlations between the streamflow and physiochemical parameters, and determine the effectiveness of the float method for streamflow measurement. The field trip aimed to gain insight into the health and quality of the rivers and identify any limitations or challenges faced during the trip.
2. Body (Results and Discussion):
2.1 Streamflow and Velocity:
The collected data for streamflow or velocity measurements are presented below:
Kepamo River:
Trial 1: 11.3s
Trial 2: 8s
Trial 3: 7.25s
Trial 4: 7.45s
Trial 5: 9.25s
Average: 8.64s
Mapemo River:
Trial 1: 13.06s
Trial 2: 7.54s
Trial 3: 8.33s
Trial 4: 9.39s
Trial 5: 7.41s
Average: 9.206s
2.2 Stream Discharge Calculation:
To calculate stream discharge for each river, we use the derived average streamflow (velocity) values and multiply them by a correction factor of 0.85 (85%). The resulting values are the final stream discharge values corrected to 85%.
Kepamo River:
Stream Discharge = Average Streamflow x 0.85
Mapemo River:
Stream Discharge = Average Streamflow x 0.85
2.3 Float Method Setup Diagram:
The float method setup diagram was sketched for both Kepamo River and Mapemo River. It includes measurements of depth, time, and distance to calculate streamflow.
2.4 Physiochemical Parameter Tests:
The collected data for physiochemical parameter tests in both rivers are tabulated below:
Kepamo River:
- pH: 8.06 Hz, 7.61 Hz, 7.68 Hz
- Conductivity: 19.7 µS/cm, 19.7 µS/cm, 19.7 µS/cm
- Total Dissolved Solids: 14.66 mg, 14.6 mg, 74.68 mg/L
- Dissolved Oxygen Concentration: 1.41 E-4%, 2.69 E-4%, 2.69 E-4%
Mapemo River:
- pH: 7.14 Hz, 7.56 Hz, 7.99 Hz
- Conductivity: 29.3 µS/cm, 0.3 µS/cm, 27.7 µS/cm
- Total Dissolved Solids: 20.79 mg/L, 0.24 mg/L, 20.06 mg/L
- Dissolved Oxygen Concentration: 3.03 E-9 mg/L, 6.81 E-10 mg/L, 9.52 E-11 mg/L
2.5 Statistical Regression Analysis:
Using excel spreadsheet, statistical regression analysis was performed on the following parameters:
- Stream flow vs pH
- Streamflow vs turbidity
- Streamflow vs EC
2.6 Result Discussion:
An explanatory discussion was provided for each of the results presented in sections 2.1 to 2.5, analyzing the findings and addressing any correlations or trends observed.
3. Conclusion:
Based on the key findings, it can be concluded that the objectives of the field trip were achieved. Streamflow and physiochemical parameters were successfully measured, and correlations between streamflow and pH, turbidity, and EC were analyzed. The results provide valuable insights into the health and quality of Kepamo River and Mapemo River.
4. Recommendation:
To improve future field trips, it is recommended to consider the following:
- Ensure accurate and reliable equipment for streamflow measurements.
- Increase the number of replicates for physiochemical parameter tests to improve statistical analysis.
- Conduct additional tests or measurements to assess the impact of external factors on stream health.
Overall, the field trip was a valuable learning experience, and the recommendations aim to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of future field trips.