Keep your own stress diary for a week. Note any type of stress and how you reacted to it. After a week, examine your diary and see if you notice any patterns. This is a portfolio item. After a week, write a 100 word essay describing your stress and how, if possible, you dealt with them. Use the following to guide you through the essay:
Are you able to identify stressors in your life?
How did you deal with them?
Can you change how you deal with them?
After you have completed your portfolio item, combine both items into one document. Then, submit your stress diary and essay to your teacher using the Drop Box below.
Here are my guidelines:
Make one document for the diary and reflection.
1. Create a diary for 7 days - Note any type of stress and how you reacted to it.
2. Write a reflection about your stress and reactions.
• Are you able to identify stressors in your life?
• How did you deal with them?
• Can you change how you deal with them?
Includes stress diary (10 pts.)
Answers each of the 3 questions completely – 5 pts. each (15 pts.)
Writes correctly with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation (5 pts.)
1 answer
Day 1: Deadline at work - felt anxious and overwhelmed, stayed late to finish the project.
Day 2: Argument with friend - felt upset and frustrated, vented to another friend.
Day 3: Traffic jam on the way to work - felt irritated and angry, listened to calming music to relax.
Day 4: Family conflict - felt stressed and overwhelmed, went for a walk to clear my mind.
Day 5: Financial worries - felt anxious and worried, created a budget plan to address the issue.
Day 6: Health concern - felt scared and anxious, called doctor for advice.
Day 7: Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities - felt exhausted and stressed, delegated tasks to others.
I was able to identify various stressors in my life, ranging from work-related stress to personal conflicts. I noticed that I tend to react to stress by either addressing the issue directly or seeking support from others. I think I can improve how I deal with stress by practicing more self-care techniques, such as meditation or exercise, to help me better manage my emotions. Overall, this exercise has helped me become more aware of my stress triggers and how I can work towards reducing them in the future.