To find out how much Kaya will have saved after 8 months, we need to calculate 18% of her monthly paycheck and then multiply it by 8.
18% of $1,525 is (0.18 * 1525) = $274.50.
After 8 months, Kaya will have saved 8 * $274.50 = $2,196.00.
Therefore, Kaya will have saved $2,196.00 after 8 months.
Kaya wants to buy a new gaming system, but it is expensive. She has decided to save 18%
of her paycheck each month until she can afford the new system that she wants. She earns $1,525.00
each month. She will have enough money after 8 months. How much will Kaya have saved after 8 months?
2 dollars comma 196 point 0 0
274 point 5 0 dollars
2 dollars comma 745 point 0 0
1 answer