Kalvin wants to eat Coco blast but his mom doesn't want him to because it's to sugary.So, Kalvin decides to flip a penny. Every time he gets a head he eats coco blast, and every time he gets tails he doesn't. Later on he found out it did not help b/c it was a 50% chance for both.
so he tried with a marshmallow, tails=land on base heads=land on side.He tossed it 2x and it landed on both of each once. He says the marshmallow it isn't any better than the penny - it lands on an end 50% of the time. How would you convince
Kalvin that the marshmallow is better for him to use than the penny?
1 answer
I have never flipped a marshmallow, but 2 tosses is too small a sample to come to a statistical decision. However, I don't know if that would convince Kalvin.