The representation that does NOT show the amount of time Kaleigh spent watching TV at this rate is A, "Time Spent Watching TV
Time (minutes)
Number of Episodes". This representation does not provide any specific information about the amount of time spent watching TV for a given number of episodes.
Kaleigh binge-watched her favorite 30-minute episodes. Which representation does NOT show the amount of time Kaleigh spent watching TV at this rate?
Time Spent Watching TV
Time (minutes)
Number of Episodes Time Spent Watching TV Time (minutes) Image with alt text: Number of Episodes
Time Spent Watching TV
Episodes, x Time (minutes), y
2 60
4 120
6 180
8 240Time Spent Watching TV Episodes, x Time (minutes), y 2 60 4 120 6 180 8 240
C Kaleigh spent 180 minutes watching 4 episodes.Kaleigh spent 180 minutes watching 4 episodes.
D y = 30x, where x represents the number of episodes watched and y represents the amount of time in minutes.y = 30 x , where x represents the number of episodes watched and y represents the amount of time in minutes.
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