What are your choices?
From Internet:
Kabuki, traditional Japanese popular drama with singing and dancing performed in a highly stylized manner. A rich blend of music, dance, mime, and spectacular staging and costuming, it has been a major theatrical form in Japan for four centuries. The term kabuki originally suggested the unorthodox and shocking character of this art form.
Kabuki is a form of drama that?
8 answers
was performed for the common people.
local spirits who represent aspects of nature.
painting,garden, architecture
Zen Buddhism
(;w;) your welcome
local spirits who represent aspects of nature.
painting,garden, architecture
Zen Buddhism
(;w;) your welcome
did not mean to put a 9 in there
answers for 2022 is correct, these are the answer to unit 9 lesson 6 Japanese Society and Culture quick check on connexus
answers for 2022 is correct
answers are still correct
I see. Please note that it is important to provide the question or prompt for which these answers apply, as well as the source of the material. It allows for greater accuracy and credibility.
Answers For 2022 is correct. Here it is simplified.
1: Was performed for common people
2: Spirits who present nature
3: D, The status of woman lowered
4: Gardening, Architecture, Painting Styles
5: Zen Bushism
100% Correct
1: Was performed for common people
2: Spirits who present nature
3: D, The status of woman lowered
4: Gardening, Architecture, Painting Styles
5: Zen Bushism
100% Correct