volume of sphere
= (4/3)π5^3 = 500π/3 cm^3
volume of water in tank
= (50)(20)(10) cm^3
= 10,000 cm^3
surface area of half the sphere
= (1/2)(4π(5^2))
= 50π cm^2
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It has so much more potential than these 3 straightforward questions.
K, Q1.A sqhere of radius 5cm is lowered into a rectangular tank 50cm long and 20cm wide containing water to a deqth of 10cm.The sqhere floats with half of its surface above the level of the surface of the water.Calculate (a)the volume of the sqhere, (b)the volume of water in the tank (cccc)the surface area of the sqhere above the water.=
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