Just wondering...

Do YOU, personally, believe what YOU, personally, believe is really real?


What is truth/reality?

5 answers

Well, I actually believe that nothing "really" exists. What we call reality could just be a mathematical world alongside all possible other mathematicaly definable worlds.

See also here:

hmmm...interesting. so you're saying that YOU don't exist? or maybe that you're simply a mathematical equation? i don't think so. i do appreciate seeing your perspective, however. thank you.

but, what about God? how do you feel about His existence (or lack thereof)?
I don't believe in a separate physical world apart from the mathematics that describes it. If a physical world really exists (in the sense that it is more than just maths), then we'll never be able to pin down what it is.

There will always be something unexplainable. You can ask what a piece of matter exists of in terms of more fundamantal objects, but ultimately you'll end up with the "smallest components" (e.g. superstrings) and those most fundamental things will be unexplainable. Because if you could explain them then that explanation would have to invoke yet more fundamental objects which in turn would be unexplainable.

I would say, if we don't need to postulate something that is unexplainable, let's not do it. So, my idea about the universe is that it is the mathematical model that describes it.

I don't have to bother about the question how it came into existence from "nothing" at the time of the Big Bang. That's only a problem if you postulate a physical universe. The mathematical description of the universe including the Big Bang is a timeless thing, just like the fact that pi equals 3.14159... Within that mathematical description one can talk about space and time.

Also, consider artificial intelligence. Replacing your brain cells by transistors such that you brain functions in the same way cannot change anything about your consciousness. In principle you could replace each of these transitors by big bulky vacuum tubes and you would still be the same person. So, it seems that all that matters is if information is processed in the same way, not the stuff you are made off.

Basically, you are just a program that is run by your brain. And that fits in nicely with the idea that the universe itself is also nothing more than a mathematical model (if everything is math than we cannot be more that math either).

God? I don't believe in Him :)
so...in other words, you're saying that YOU and I are merely products of a mathematical accident, right? In other words, we have no purpose or meaning? Life has no objective - we're just born, products of a big mathematical accident, we live, and we rot in the ground?

There is so much more to you than just mathematical probability and “chance”. Did you ever stop to ponder the fact that there is not a single human being who is EXACTLY like another? Or that not even our fingerprints are ever identical to anyone else’s? How could that just happen by “chance”.

And, about the Big Bang, I am wondering, do what exactly went “blooey”? There had to be something already in existence to go “bang!”, right? So how do you explain that? I would like to know.

Why don’t you believe there is a God? Do you believe in right & wrong (morality/ethics)? How do you determine what is right/wrong? Why do you believe you are here on the earth, a product of a big mathematical accident?

Sincerely confused, “Food4Thought”
PS Are you a real “count”, as in Old England or something? Just curious. :)
Well, it would be more of an accident if you assume a physical universe, or even a God (why did God choose to crreate you?). In a mathematical universe, in the sense that all posible mathematical models exists, your existence is guaranteed.

Anyway, astrophysicists have proposed so-called inflation models in which the universe underwent a rapid expansion before the big bang. See here:


Also note that such inflation models generically predict infinite universes:


"Do you believe in right & wrong (morality/ethics)"

Yes. I believe that everything we can define exists. But I can define right & wrong in a different way than you, so we then refer to different systems.

I don't believe in a God in the sense of a supreme being...

B.t.w., I'm not a "count" :)