Just as in unit 2 you are writing a reflection for the sample work assessment.
The reflection should be at least 3 sentences long. Using one of the sentence starters below:
The information in the reproductive success unit I best understood was... and the topic that was most challenging for me to understand was ...
A strategy I could use to explain how the structures that plants have and behaviors animals use help them to reproduce successfully is...
One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is... because...
1 answer
The information in the reproductive success unit I best understood was the concept of sexual reproduction and the importance of genetic variation in offspring. The topic that was most challenging for me to understand was the specific reproductive strategies of different plant species. A strategy I could use to explain how the structures that plants have and behaviors animals use help them to reproduce successfully is by using visuals such as diagrams and examples from real life. One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is the different methods of pollination and how they contribute to reproductive success in plants because I find it fascinating how plants have adapted various strategies to ensure their survival.