Just a Speed Bump!

B. Haq

HUNTER, an eighth grade student
HALEY, Hunter’s twin sister
MATT, Hunter and Haley’s best friend
MR. JACOB CARPENTER, Hunter’s grandfather


[Curtain opens to a patio. Jacob is shaking out his hiking backpack over a trash can. Haley is rocking in an old chair, playing a game on her cell phone. Susan is relaxing in a wicker chair, reading on her tablet. The sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds. Hunter and Matt enter.]

MATT: [Looks at everyone and speaks shyly] Hi!

JACOB: [Raises his head to look at Matt and speaks cheerily] Hello there! So, Hunter talked you into it?

[Both Haley and Susan look up.]

HALEY: For real? Did you, Hunt?

HUNTER: [Glares at Haley] So kind of you to bless my morning!

SUSAN: [Closes her tablet and walks up to Hunter and Matt] Well, Matt, you are here, so, [Looks at Jacob] Dad, why don’t you ask him?

[Hunter rolls his eyes, Haley looks on with excitement, and Matt appears clueless.]

MATT: [Approaches Jacob timidly] Umm. . . ask me what, Mr. Carpenter?

JACOB: How would you like to go on a day-hike on the mountainside along the Berthoud Pass?

HUNTER: [Hunter leans toward Matt and mutters under his breath] Matt, how would you like your phone taken away from you for the whole day? [Looks at Jacob and speaks in a normal voice] That’s more like it, Gramps!

JACOB: [Laughs heartily] Hunter, I won’t take away your phone. I only ask you to keep it inside your backpack so that you are not distracted from enjoying pristine outdoors.

SUSAN: [Shakes her head and walks back to the chair] Dad, Good luck convincing him! It’d make me happy as a clam at high tide.

HALEY: [Opens a bag of chips and noisily eats] Gramps, just let it go. I would rather watch a cool movie than explore some weird wilderness. [Looks at Matt for approval] More importantly, what if I miss a text from my friends?

HUNTER: [High fives Haley] Exactly my point, Hal! I can’t be bored to death without my cell phone.

SUSAN: [Looks up from her tablet and ponders for a few seconds] Gramps will let you take pictures to share with your friends later. [Looks at Jacob] Won’t you, Dad?

JACOB: Of course! It will be worthwhile to stay off social media for a few hours, but you can take lots of pictures.

[Jacob walks over to the table, picks up a backpack with Hunter’s name printed on it, and starts cleaning it with a scrubbing brush that protests loudly with each stroke.]

HUNTER: [Shrugs his shoulders] I don’t care. I have a ton of homework this weekend.

JACOB: [Walks over to Hunter and puts his arm over his shoulders] I care. [Chuckles] That’s why I have planned this getaway for the spring break.

MATT: [Folds his arms on his chest and hesitates before speaking] I... I mean... I think it’s kinda cool to put away the phone for a while. Don’t cha think, Hal? [Looks at Haley for approval]

HUNTER and HALEY: [Together] What???

HALEY: [Quickly puts down her cell phone and strides over to Matt] Matt, seriously? You mean it? I thought you didn’t care! Do you really want to go? [Clasps her hands] I am with you!

HUNTER: [Looks at the duo, confused] What’s going on, Matt? Hal?

MATT: [Unfolds his arms and declares confidently] Mr. Carpenter, I am in for the hike if you will have me.

JACOB: [Stops brushing down the backpack and looks at Matt] Yes, son. I want you to come. It will be quite an adventure, I promise. [Lifts his chin up, closes his eyes, and inhales deeply] Fresh air is to the mind as spring showers are to the tree, both refreshing and nourishing.

[Haley and Matt stare at Hunter, who now appears to be half-moved by the argument.]

HALEY: Oh, come on, Hunt! Don’t be such a stuck-up. [Turns to Susan] Mom?

HUNTER: [Ignores Haley and fist-bumps Matt] YOLO, man! I am cool. It beats whatever Snob Bob is doing in his break.

SUSAN: [Breaths a sigh of relief and smiles broadly] So, it’s settled.

HALEY: [Gasps and sputters in an excited tone] Oh, Mom, what should I wear on the hike? I’ll need new hiking boots. There’ll still be some snow on the trails. I better start packing now!

[Haley hurriedly opens the door and disappears as Susan smiles and looks at Jacob.]

JACOB: [Leans closer to Susan and whispers] It was just a speed bump called peer pressure, not a roadblock.

[Susan winks at Jacob, and both chuckle softly.]

[Curtain closes.]
The stage directions and dialogue in paragraph 24 indicate that Haley —
A is eager to know why Matt changed his mindis eager to know why Matt changed his mind
B wants to explain why the trip is a bad ideawants to explain why the trip is a bad idea
C wavers and cannot make up her mind wavers and cannot make up her mind
D is glad that she has found an ally in Mattis glad that she has found an ally in Matt

1 answer

The correct response is:

D. is glad that she has found an ally in Matt.

This is indicated by her excitement and eagerness when Matt expresses his willingness to join the hike, as she immediately rushes over to him and clasps her hands in excitement.

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