A) Why are the units for average and instantaneous rates the same?
-because they are both measures of how quickly a reaction is occuring per unit time
That sounds ok to me.
B) For a given set of data, two students determined different average reaction rates. If neither student made an error in the calculations, account for the difference in their reaction rates.
The rate of reaction changes with time because the concn of the reactants and products are changing. Therefore, the AVERAGE rates could have been over different time periods.
C) Propose a reason for the difference in instantaneous rates at differnet points throughout a reaction.
The concns are changing with time. The reaction rates are faster at the beginning.
D)When chemists compare the rates of reactions carried out under different conditions, they often compare the rates near the beginning of the reactions. What advantages do you see in this practise. Hint: think slow reactions. The reactions are fastest at the beginning.
-saves time
Just a few questions about rates of reaction.
A) Why are the units for average and instantaneous rates the same?
-because they are both measures of how quickly a reaction is occuring per unit time
B) For a given set of data, two students determined different average reaction rates. If neither student made an error in the calculations, account for the difference in their reaction rates.
C) Propose a reason for the difference in instantaneous rates at differnet points throughout a reaction.
D)When chemists compare the rates of reactions carried out under different conditions, they often compare the rates near the beginning of the reactions. What advantages do you see in this practise. Hint: think slow reactions.
-saves time
5 answers
it really helped me and i got good mark on it. tnx
hi aiyesha
happy one year anniversary aiyeehaw <3
happy (slightly over) two year anniversary yeehaw ~\(≧▽≦)/~
happy (slightly over) two year anniversary yeehaw ~\(≧▽≦)/~