julie arrived 20 minutes before the race began she started right on time. it took her 24 minutes to finish the 6 kilometer race. she stayed 10 minutes after the race to cool off;then she left. if she arrived at the race at9:10am,what time was it when she left? can you answer that please?
please answer story for me please!!!!
6 answers
10:04 am
Please tell me what a number story is for the number sentence below.
Julie arrived 20 minutes before the race began. she started right on time. it took her 24 minutes to finish the 6-kilometer race. she stayed 10 minutes after the race to cool off; then she left. if she arrived race at 9;10 A.M., what time was it when she left?
9:24 this is true becuse i have the book of answers
Kim spen $50.00 subtracted by $20.00 witch is $30.00 left!