joules released when 125 g of steam at 100 ∘C condenses and cools to liquid at 20.0 ∘C

3 answers

q1 = heat released on steam cooling from 125 C to steam at 100C.
q1 = mass steam x specific heat steam x (Tfinal - Tinitial) where Tf is 100 and Ti is 125.

q2 = heat released on condensation of steam at 100
C to liquid water at 100 C.
q2 = mass steam x heat of condensation.

q3 = heat released on cooling water from 100 C to water at 20 C.
q = mass H2O x specific heat liquid water x (Tfinal-Tinitial) where Tf is 20 and Ti is 100.

Total heat released is sum of individual qs.
How much energy is released when 500 g of 373 K steam is condensed into liquid water?