1. Some websites I commonly use are Google, YouTube, Reddit, and Amazon.
2. I use these websites because they provide me with a variety of information, entertainment, and products. Google helps me find information quickly and easily, YouTube provides me with a wide range of videos to watch, Reddit allows me to connect with people who share similar interests, and Amazon allows me to purchase items conveniently.
3. I like how these websites are easy to use and navigate. I also appreciate how they are constantly updating and improving their services. The only thing I don't like is how some websites can be slow to load or have ads that can be intrusive.
Jot down your answers to the following questions:
1. What are some websites you commonly use?
2. Why do you use these websites? How have they benefited you?
3. Is there anything in particular you like about how these websites work? Is there anything in particular that you don't like?
2 answers
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