To ensure that Joshua's chart was printed legibly and fit on one page, he could have taken the following steps:
Adjust the Page Orientation: If the chart is wider than it is tall, he could switch the page orientation from portrait to landscape to provide more horizontal space.
Reduce the Scale/Size of the Chart: He could scale down the size of the chart so that it fits within the printable area of the page. This can often be done in the print settings.
Use a Larger Page Size: If the chart is too large to fit on a standard letter-size page, he could choose a larger paper size in the print settings, such as legal or tabloid.
Modify Chart Elements: Joshua could simplify the chart by reducing the number of data points, using fewer colors or patterns, and ensuring that text sizes are appropriate.
Increase Font Size for Readability: Ensure that labels and legends are clearly visible by using a font size that is readable when printed.
Preview Before Printing: Always preview the document before printing to check how it will look on paper and make adjustments as necessary.
Change Margins or Scale Setting: He could adjust the margins or use a "fit to page" option to help the chart fit better.
Print in High Quality: Ensure the printer settings are set to a high-quality print mode to improve clarity and contrast.
By following these suggestions, Joshua could improve the legibility of his chart and fit it on a single page for submission.