Based on BMI alone
When looking at BMI alone, Jose has a BMI of 28, which categorizes him as overweight, while David has a BMI of 23, which is considered healthy. Therefore, based on BMI alone, Jose is at greater risk for health problems.
Considering % body fat and waist-to-hip ratio
- Jose has:
- % body fat: 8.5%
- Waist-to-hip ratio: 0.89
- David has:
- % body fat: 31%
- Waist-to-hip ratio: 1.0
David's high body fat percentage (31%) and waist-to-hip ratio (1.0) indicate a higher risk for health problems such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, particularly because waist-to-hip ratios above 0.90 for males are considered indicative of increased risk. Therefore, David is at greater risk for health problems considering both % body fat and waist-to-hip ratio.
Overall health comparison between David and Jose
When evaluating overall health, despite Jose's higher BMI indicating overweight status, his % body fat is very low (8.5%), and at age 16, he is very active. In contrast, David's inactivity and high % body fat pose significant health risks. As a result, Jose is likely healthier overall, as he exhibits traits associated with a lower risk for obesity-related health issues compared to David.
Carla’s profile concerns
Carla has a BMI of 16, which categorizes her as underweight. Additionally, her waist-to-hip ratio of 0.77 and % body fat of 12% indicate that she may not have enough body fat for healthy functioning. Concerns about her health could include:
- Possible malnutrition or eating disorder
- Overall low energy levels
- Increased risk of bone density loss These factors could lead to serious health complications if not addressed.
Individual with the healthiest profile overall
From the profiles given, Carla has the healthiest waist-to-hip ratio (0.77) and a low % body fat (12%), although she is underweight. However, she is at risk due to her low BMI.
In terms of a healthier profile that balances weight, activity, and body composition, Jose appears to have the healthiest profile overall among the adolescents. He is active, has a low % body fat, and although his BMI is high, this may be attributed to muscle mass gained from his very active lifestyle. Thus, while he has a higher BMI, the context of his physical health and activity level makes him relatively healthier than others.