José wants to buy a new large screen TV. The electronics store has a special on the model he wants and offers same-day delivery if he uses his store rewards card. An online retailer is offering the same model, and if he uses their credit card, he can get 10% off. Why might José have decided to buy from the electronics store when the same TV is available for less money from the online retailer?


The one from the online retailer was of higher quality.
The one from the online retailer was of higher quality. - no response given

José likes paying extra money.
José likes paying extra money. - no response given

He was worried that the TV would get lost in the mail.
He was worried that the TV would get lost in the mail. - no response given

He wants to get the rewards, and he did not want to open another credit card.

1 answer

He wants to get the rewards, and he did not want to open another credit card.