Jordan sets very high expectations for test scores. Recently, Jordan received a mark on a test below expectations.

List 5 constructive feedback comments you would give Jordan.

1. It is alright to not get a perfect test score, no one expects that from you.
2. You should try to understand your mistakes and avoid it next time.
3. You should consider lowering your expectations for test scores, because sometimes when you score below expectations (which is bound to happen sometimes), it can make you feel negative.
4. Even though you got a score under expectations, it was not a bad grade.
5. ?
Can someone please help me with this?

I know I am late but...May Ms. Sue rest in peace in a better place. She was very kind and helpful.. 💐

6 answers

-And when I say for someone to help, can someone provide something for #5 and replace anything else?
# 1 is OK if you omit the second half. Telling someone to lower his expectations is not a particularly good idea, in my opinion.

#2 is a good follow-up to #1 if you change it. Avoiding mistakes isn't right, though; learning from mistakes would be good.

#3 is awful. If he got a B instead of an A, you can emphasize that a B is not failure. Learn from it and move forward.

#4 is OK.

#5 — You could point Jordan to an excellent website for studying whatever the subject is — for example, math:
and >> Courses >> the specific course itself
Thank you Writeteacher. Although, I was supposed to write it in a way of not knowing the actual grade or subject, and moreover to combat negative thoughts and self-criticism. But, obviously you didn't know that. I still appreciate you taking time to try and help me, thank you.
I believe that telling anyone to lower his or her expectations is negative. I've seen that happen in my classroom — when students were told by someone (parent, sibling, or ??) not to expect so much from themselves. That's very damaging, especially if they believe it. =(

PS. has help in many different subjects, not just math. It's an excellent website that all students should know about in my opinion. So is
Thanks. I think so too. I just didn't know how to put it in a different way, but is 'Don't be so hard on yourself' or something like that okay?
It might be OK. I believe it's better to tell a person that s/he can't fix the past, but learn from it and aim high next time.

"aim high" might mean raising one's expectations or finding a new place to help with the topic(s) or other things, but not aiming lower! Good grief! There are already too many students in this world who think they can't do better!!