Jonna’s parents told her she could buy a bike if she saved up for it herself. One day, she saw a used bike at a store downtown and fell in love with it. It was red with a black racing stripe, and it already had a bell and a light. She looked at the price tag: $25. When Jonna got home, she counted out all the money in her piggy bank. It came to $17.45. She didn’t have quite enough. What could she do?
She told her dad the problem, and he scratched his head. “Well,” he said, “you could knock on a few neighbors’ doors and see if they have any jobs you could do.”
“But I don’t know how to do anything!” she told him.
“Sure you do. Think hard.”
Jonna looked out the window just as a gust of wind blew. Yellow leaves floated down from their chestnut tree. “Got it!” she said, and she ran past her dad and out the door.
“Don’t forget your jacket,” her dad called after her. “October can be mighty chilly.”
By the time Jonna had knocked on 10 doors, she’d lined up 5 jobs raking leaves over the next week. At $5 apiece, she’d have earned $25 by Saturday, more than enough to get that bike.
What causes Jonna to rake leaves?
Her dad makes her do chores on Saturdays.
She wants her parents to let her go to the movies.
She needs money to buy the bike she wants.
Her dad wants her to help the family make money.
1 answer