2. Why is Edwards’s God so angry? (1 point)
because men are sinful and wicked ~
because the Puritans left Europe
because Native Americans worship different gods
none of the above
3. In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Edwards establishes various conclusions and then applies those conclusions to his congregation. What strategy does Edwards use to make the application of his conclusions seem very personal and relevant to his audience? (1 point)
He uses vibrant imagery.
He discusses his own life.~
He switches from a third–person point of view to a second–person point of view.
He uses one member of his congregation as an example.
4. What writing convention does Jonathan Edwards use to persuade his audience? (1 point)
all of the above
5. What movement extinguished many revivals leading up to the Great Awakening? (1 point)
Calvinism ~
The Enlightenment
50 answers
all were right i love this website!!!helps alot
Love this website also I thank yall so much!!!!
why didn't i scroll down farther noo!!! why didn't i go with my gut and not what i could find
yup! all were right! thanks so much!!:)
Which parts are wrong? Some look right to me.
Why are some saying they were right and some saying they are wrong?
all of them were right
All of these answers are right!
I just took this test and all of the answers are 100% correct!
Its correct!!!! just make sure your putting in the right answers guys
the first 2 are right the rest i got wrong
All were right :3 thank you!
None of these are correct.
Scroll all the way down. They're all right. I just took this test and got 100%
not all were right I only got 40 % on the test ugh I really needed help
yeah these are all right, i tried to change them and i got ****
ENGLISH - Is 100% right
LISten all of them all right trust me the bottom row answers are all correct
2.because men are all sinful and wicked
3.he switched from a third party person point of view to a second point of view
4.all of the above
5.the Enlightenment.
i got 40% the last answer before me (oversweet's answer) is correct
3 - 5 are wrong
you gave the wrong answers, the last two people were right
They were wrong! Oversweet has them right.
Oversweet is right 100%
Oversweet is Correct 100%
go with oversweet trust i just got 100%
Oversweetis correct, i just took the test...
Some right some wrong
props to oversweet for helping me boost my grade XD thanks bro
not all were correct...
3 last ones are wrong 2 first ones are right
This was the worst trade deal i have ever encountered. 2 were only right. They were w r o n g
This was the worst trade deal i have ever encountered. 2 were only right. Last 3 were w r o n g
oversweet was definitely right 100%
Most of these are wrong
only the first two were correct....
1 and 2 are correct the rest are wrong, facts I looked at the first few comments and they said they were corrected, 3,4,5 are wrong
Hello, sorry for the people are trying to give wrong answers, these are from my notes so the wording may be a bit different but all are fully correct.
the correct answers are below:
men are sinful and wicked
he switches from a third person pov to a second person pov
all of the above - imagery metaphor hyperbole
the enlightenment
have a nice day:)
Lesson 5:
1. D. Preacher
2. A. Because men are sinful and wicked
3. C. He s’agit he’s from a third-person point of view to a second- person point of view
4. D. Al of the above
5. D. The enlightenment
As of right as 2021
what is going on in these responses bruh
Ehhh is right
ehh is right for 2021 American Lit & Comp A U1 L5
last three were wrong but i got them right, 3. the third answer, 4. the forth answer, and 5. the forth answer