Steve answered at least one of your questions yesterday.
john who lives at 35 degrees north and 120 degrees west regularly calls Geroge his business partnet at 2pm (John's local time) every day during July last year. George regularly recevied the calls at 10 pm ( his local time). throughout the month, George reported that the maximum diurnal temperature in his station (location) was never below 75 degrees F and the minimum dirunal temperature never below 70 degrees F.
i) in what latitudinal zone was george located?
ii) what was the mean diurnal temperature for july at georges location?
iii) what was the diurnal temperature range for july at georges location?
iv) in what koppens climatic class would you put johns location?
3 answers
Here's Steve's answer.
The other two sites should help you.
The other two sites should help you.
omg thanks i needed help on that one too! still working on the other parts