In order to calculate the hourly rate for John, Rick, and Molli working together, we need to find out how long it takes them to paint the room together and then divide the total number of rooms painted by the total number of hours worked.
Let's say they paint a room in 3 hours when working together.
Total rooms painted: 1
Total hours worked: 3
Therefore, the hourly rate for John, Rick, and Molli working together is:
1 room / 3 hours = 0.33 rooms per hour
So, the hourly rate for John, Rick, and Molli working together is 0.33 rooms per hour.
John, Rick, and Molli paint a room together.
What is the hourly rate for John, Rick, and Molli (when working
together)? Use rooms per hour as the unit for your rates.
1 answer