John,owner of a most exclusive nightclub was shot and killed ba a gang,after considerable effort on the part of the police,five men were arrested as suspects and were asked to say for themselves what they know of d case. Each man made three statements,two of the statements are true and one of d statements is false. Lefty man: statement 1- i did not kill John. Statement 2- i never owned a gun. Satement 3- Spaco did it. Red man: statement 1- i did not kill john. Statement 2- i never owned a gun. Statement 3- d other guys are all passing d back. Don man: statement 1- i am innocent. Statement 2- i never saw boss before. Staement 3- Spaco is innocent. Spaco man: statement 1- i am innocent. Statement 2- boss is the guilty man. Statement 3- lefty man lied wen he said i did it. Boss man: statement 1- i did not kill john. Staement 2- red is d guilty man. Statement 3- don and i are old friends. Therefore,who killed John amoung these men