John is 70 years younger than Sharon. Sharon is 4 times as old as John.
If you let s=Sharon's age and j= John's age, then the problem can be represented by a system of equations. Which of the following shows a graph of this system and the solution to this problem?
A)A graph shows S on the x-axis, J on the y-axis, and two lines that intersect. A line with a positive slope touches the x-axis at (70, 0) and continues to (100, just before 30). A line with a positive slope touches the origin at (0, 0) and continues to (100, between 20 and 30). The lines intersect at (just past 90, just past 20).
B)A graph shows S on the x-axis, J on the y-axis, and two lines that intersect. A line with a positive slope touches the y-axis at (0, 70) and continues to (just past 30, 100). A line with a positive slope touches the origin at (0, 0) and continues to (between 20 and 30, 100). The lines intersect at (just past 20, just past 90).
C)A graph shows S on the x-axis, J on the y-axis, and two lines that intersect. A line with a negative slope touches the y-axis at (0, 70) and touches the x-axis at (70, 0). A line with a positive slope touches the origin at (0, 0) and continues to (between 20 and 30, 100). The lines intersect at (between 10 and 20, between 50 and 60).
D)A graph shows S on the x-axis, J on the y-axis, and two lines that intersect. A line with a negative slope touches the y-axis at (0, 70) and the x-axis at (70, 0). A line with a positive slope touches the origin at (0, 0) and continues to (100, just above 20). The lines intersect at (between 50 and 60, between 10 and 20).
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