Joe's burrito cart sits on a busy street corner. Customers line up to get Joe's hot fresh bean burritos filled with trimmings of their choice. In order to comply with regulations, Joe must keep his cart and utensils clean, advertise ingrediants on a visible sign, suuply napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils, and containers for customers, have a covering over the cart to protect food and preperation areas, keep frequently empyting a trash can and keep his hands covered with plastic gloves. What are the effects of these regulations, both monetary and non-monetary?

direct monetary costs would be the dollar costs of such supplies. non-monetary benefits would include the warm fuzzies you get from eating in a clean, rat-free establishment.

1 answer

The monetary effects of these regulations would include the cost of purchasing the supplies needed to comply with the regulations, such as napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils, and containers for customers, as well as the cost of maintaining the cart and utensils. The non-monetary effects would include the assurance of safety and cleanliness for customers, as well as the assurance that the food is being prepared in a sanitary environment. Additionally, the regulations may help to increase customer satisfaction, as customers may feel more comfortable eating from a cart that is compliant with regulations.