Jen, I will attempt to write the others out.

#3)ADD: -57 + (-22) I got -79
#4)Subtract -2.3-(-8.8) I got -6.5
#7)perform indicated operation:
-21 - (-9) I tried to underline
-21 - (-21) I got -12 over o or undfined
#8)Multiply:(4){-3/2} This one lost me
#9) place in ascending order:
- 2/5, 1/6, 7/8, -5/9, 3/4
I got -5/9, -2/5, 1/6, 3/4,7/8

#10)Determine the maximum and minimum values of these numbers.
3, -36/7, -1, -2/3, 5/4, -5, 26/9
I got min. -5 1/7 max. 3

Evaluate: [-24] - [-22]
I got 2

#12)find the reciprocal of 1/7(-7-10)
I do not know how to do this one. Can you show me?

#13)Multiply: (1.3)(10)(-4)
I got -52

#14)perform indicated operation:
7-7 I got 5/0 undefined

#15) subtract 7/9 - [-13/18] I was lost on this one
#16)multiply 13 * 7 I got 91

#17)divide: -15/-3 that should be underlined i got 5

#18)subtract: 36-14 i got 22
#19)divide: 12/-4 igot -3
#20)multiply:(10)(6)(-9) i got -540
#21)divide: -12/0 i got 0 or undefined
#22)add: 3/4 + 4/5 i got ig ot 31/20
#23)add: -4/5 + [-3/4] i am lost on this one
#24)evaluate -[-618] those are supposed to be bars instead of brackets
#25)find the reciprocal of (-1/5)(15) once again I am lost on that one. I really appreciate your help.

5 answers

This homework is due today. Can anyone help me out? I have answered them to the best of my ability, they just need checked!!!!!
3: correct, 4: the two negative signs make a positive so your answer is positive 6.5, 7: I do not understand the problem written that way, 8: (4)(-3/2)= (4/1)(-3/2)=-12/2=-6, 9: correct, 10: correct but keep it in the format that's given in the problem so you should list the min as -36/7, 11: Once again, you need to change your sign. Two negative signs together make a positive, so the problem becomes -24+22=-2..will post the rest in a few
12. 1/7(-7-10), always do parenthesis first, so -7-10=-17, then do 1/7(-17) and when you get that answer flip it for the reciprocal (the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2 and vice versa, the reciprocal of 4 is 1/4). 13, 14 correct, 15. 7/9-(-13/18)= 7/9+13/18, find the common denomintor which equals 18, 14/18+13/18=27/18=1 9/18= 1 1/2, 16-21: correct, 22: 3/4 + 4/5= 15/20+16/20=31/20=1 11/20, 23, 25: based on the steps i've shown you for the ones like this, you should be able to do these by now, post if you would like them checked, 24: -618
Please note that everyone on here is a VOLUNTEER. If you have something due that day, don't expect that someone will always be available, especially when you post this many problems. Next time, try posting days in advance.
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