Jeannette Armstrong’s perspective on Christopher Columbus contrasts sharply with that of many historians and mainstream media. She argues that rather than being a "savior" for Indigenous people, Columbus sparked a long-lasting genocide of both cultures and individuals. This viewpoint is powerfully expressed in her poem "History Lesson," where she uses stark diction to emphasize that Columbus "[mutilated] whole civilizations" (Armstrong, lines 36-37). Unlike mainstream narratives that often use vague language, Armstrong's specific word choices leave little room for misinterpretation of Columbus's true intentions. Ultimately, she interprets his actions as a deliberate act of cultural and physical genocide against Indigenous communities.
Jeannette Armstrong's view of Christopher Columbus differs from other historians, and main stream media. Through the belief that Christopher Columbus was not the savior of the Indigenous people; but rather he was the first person to ignite the spark that would lead to not just the genocide of culture but the genocide of Indigenous people all together. This belief of Armstrong was seen most prominent in her poem "history lesson". In this poem Armstrong represents how instead of Columbus wanting to "save" the Indigenous people he rather intentionally or unintentionally "[mutilated] whole civilizations" ( Armstrong, lines 36-37). Armstrong's excellent use of diction in her poem "History lesson" is a clear representation of how her view differs from others. This is seen through her specific choose of words that leave nothing up to interpretation, unlike main stream media that uses vague words and leaves the true intentions of Columbus for the readers to interpret their self. Ultimately, Jeannette Armstrong's view of Christopher Columbus is different from others like the main stream media, because she interrupts Christopher Columbus's actions and intentions as purposefully mutilating the Indigenous community's and causing a cultural genocide as well as physical one.
re fraze and make it shorter please
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