jason went shopping,

he bought a watch and a pair of trainers for a total price of £53.55,
this price includes a 15%loyalty discount.
before the discount the trainers were priced at £38
work out the price of the watch before the discount

12 answers

worked it out myself
0.85(Pw+38) = 53.55.
Pw + 38 = 63
Pw = 25. = Price of the watch.
Where did 0.85 come from
To find the price of something before or after (in this case before) you must follow these steps:
100%-15%= 85%

( because 100% its the whole amount of the number)

then 100%÷85%= 0.85
And thats were the 0.85 came from :)
What does pw stand for?
i think its price watch
A teacher helped to get the answer when this is the site people use to cheat on online work on xD
Epic teacher 8)
i still dont get it
100 - 15% = 85
€53.55 divided by 85 = 0.63
0.63 X 100 = 63
63 - 38 = 25
Hope that helps :)
u all trash at math
joking, good job everyone !