To find out how many minutes Jason aims to read by the end of the month, you need to calculate 1.5 times the amount he read last week, which was 28.5 minutes.
Calculation: 1.5 × 28.5 = 42.75 minutes
Therefore, by the end of the month, Jason will read 42.75 minutes.
If you are looking to drag numbers into boxes, you can break down 42.75 into parts:
- 42 can be represented as 6 (6 * 7 = 42)
- 0.75 can be represented as 3 (0.75 can be represented as 3/4)
So, you might use:
- 6 in one box for the whole number
- 3 in another box for the fractional part based on your available options.
Remember, if your task requires setting exact values from the given numbers, you would ensure to represent 42.75 as close to it as possible using the permitted values.