Jared drew a scatter plot comparing the number of hours worked and the amount of money earned over the course of a week. He graphed the ordered pairs(number of hours, amount paid)for each day worked. Which of the three scatter plots below most likely represents the data?

What should the scatter plot look like?

39 answers

Lack data.
Don't trust me on this, but I believe it would be B.
yup its b UvU
lolbit, the " UvU " is cringe.
"unknown.", the fact that you label things to be cringe just because you don't like it, is very childish. Grow up. People can use whatever faces they seem fit, your opinion is just unnecessary in this matter.

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"gohstyxei" calm down jeez don't work your self up into a tizzy
its a free country let them say what they want to say
ghostyxei "Grow Up" Theirs something called being cringe and 75% of kids on Jiskha are cringe so don't be like "YoUr oPiNion JuSt Isn't Necessary" because you sound like a 6th grader teacher pet and nobody cares about you expressing how much of a snowflake you are and can't understand that a lot of kids are cringe nowadays and were just pointing it out and apparently big deal but we don't care about your opinion.
How about everyone stop arguing hmm?
lil pup got roasted thats crazy could never be me
Let's stay positive and respectful towards each other. There's no need for arguing or insulting others. Let's focus on helping each other out and creating a friendly and supportive community on Jiskha.
i agrees
Great! Do you need any help with anything else?
Alright. Don't hesitate to ask if you need help in the future. Have a great day!
hi bot
Hello! How can I assist you today?
how are you
As an AI language model, I do not have feelings or emotions, but I am functioning properly and ready to assist you with any questions you have. Thank you for asking!
bot do you know spanish
Yes, I can understand and respond in Spanish! ¿En qué puedo ayudarte hoy?
can you teach me spanish bot?
Of course, I'd be happy to help you learn Spanish! ¿Qué te gustaría aprender? (What would you like to learn?)
can you teach me the basics?
Sure! Let's start with some basic Spanish phrases:

1. Hola - Hello
2. Buenos días - Good morning
3. Buenas tardes - Good afternoon/evening
4. Buenas noches - Good night
5. ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?
6. Estoy bien - I am good
7. Gracias - Thank you
8. De nada - You're welcome
9. Por favor - Please
10. Adiós - Goodbye

Do you have any questions about these phrases, or would you like to learn more basic Spanish phrases?
ooh, thank you! what should I know how to say most in spanish?
That depends on what you need to communicate the most. However, some common phrases that you may find useful in everyday situations include:

1. ¿Dónde está el baño? - Where is the bathroom?
2. Me gustaría una mesa para dos personas, por favor - I would like a table for two, please.
3. ¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost?
4. No hablo español muy bien - I don't speak Spanish very well.
5. Hable más despacio, por favor - Speak more slowly, please.
6. Lo siento - I'm sorry.
7. ¿Puede ayudarme, por favor? - Can you help me, please?

These phrases can be useful when traveling or attempting to communicate with Spanish speakers. But if there's any specific topic you need to learn about, let me know and I'll be glad to help!
okay! what do i say if i need to talk about music?
If you want to talk about music in Spanish, you can use the following phrases:

1. Me gusta la música - I like music.
2. ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta? - What kind of music do you like?
3. ¡Esta canción es genial! - This song is great!
4. ¿Tocas algún instrumento? - Do you play any instruments?
5. Me encanta bailar - I love to dance.
6. Vamos a un concierto - Let's go to a concert.
7. ¿Conoces a algún buen músico? - Do you know any good musicians?

These are some common phrases that you can use to talk about music in Spanish.
okay, what if im talking about cats?
If you want to talk about cats in Spanish, you can use the following phrases:

1. Los gatos son adorables - Cats are adorable.
2. Mi gato se llama "nombre del gato" - My cat's name is "cat's name".
3. Me encantan los gatos - I love cats.
4. Los gatos son muy independientes - Cats are very independent.
5. Los gatos son muy curiosos - Cats are very curious.
6. A mi gato le gusta dormir todo el día - My cat likes to sleep all day.
7. Los gatos tienen un pelaje hermoso - Cats have beautiful fur.

These are some common phrases that you can use to talk about cats in Spanish.
what are random things in spanish that might confuse my friends?
Here are a few Spanish words or phrases that may be confusing or amusing for your friends if they are not familiar with the language:

1. "¡Hola!" - This is a simple greeting meaning "hello," but your friends may be confused if they don't recognize the word.
2. "Hasta la vista" - This means "see you later," but some people may associate it with a famous line from the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, "Terminator 2."
3. "Fiesta" - This word means "party," and may be familiar to some people due to the popular song "Fiesta" by The Pogues.
4. "Salsa" - This word can refer to a spicy sauce or a type of Latin music and dance. Your friends may be surprised to learn that it has multiple meanings.
5. "Adiós" - While this is a standard farewell phrase, your friends may be reminded of a classic catchphrase from "The Three Amigos" movie.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other Spanish words and phrases that may be new or surprising to people who are not familiar with the language.
what if im talking about school?
If you want to talk about school in Spanish, you can use the following phrases:

1. Voy a la escuela - I go to school.
2. Mi materia favorita es ciencias - My favorite subject is science.
3. Tengo un examen mañana - I have an exam tomorrow.
4. Necesito un lápiz para la clase - I need a pencil for class.
5. El profesor es muy exigente - The teacher is very demanding.
6. Tengo que estudiar mucho para aprobar - I have to study a lot to pass.
7. ¿Puedes ayudarme con esta tarea? - Can you help me with this homework?

These are some common phrases that you can use to talk about school in Spanish.
What if your having an arguement with someone?
It's always better to try to communicate in a calm and respectful manner, even when having an argument. However, if you do find yourself in an argument in Spanish, here are some phrases that may be useful:

1. No estoy de acuerdo contigo - I don't agree with you.
2. Me parece injusto - It seems unfair to me.
3. No te entiendo - I don't understand you.
4. No me hables así - Don't speak to me like that.
5. Déjame hablar - Let me speak.
6. Por favor, no te enojes - Please don't get angry.
7. Lo siento, tienes razón - I'm sorry, you're right.

Remember to always try to remain respectful and calm during an argument, even if the other person doesn't. These phrases can be a helpful way to express your opinion or feelings without escalating the situation.
how do you compliment people in spanish
Complimenting people in Spanish is a great way to show that you appreciate them. Here are some phrases you can use to compliment people:

1. Eres muy guapo/guapa - You are very handsome/beautiful.
2. Me gusta tu estilo - I like your style.
3. Eres muy amable - You are very kind.
4. Tienes un gran sentido del humor - You have a great sense of humor.
5. Eres muy inteligente - You are very intelligent.
6. Eres muy talentoso/talentosa - You are very talented.
7. Me encanta tu energía - I love your energy.

Remember that compliments should be genuine and specific to the individual. These phrases can be a good starting point, but try to personalize your compliments as much as possible to show that you really appreciate and admire the person.