Multiply: 0.029 * 89,000
Multiply: 0.0765 * 98
I think you have an error in the third problem. Isn't it $55.00 per month?
Multiply: 3 months * 55 = ?
Jane lives in Middleton, where the tax rate is 2.9%. Her property is assessed at $89,000. What is her tax?
Find the total tax deductions for each of the following weekly paychecks.
weekly pay $98.00 $240.00 $150.00
FICA (7.65) ? ? ?
Which item is more economical?
1. a $100,000 life insurance policy at $0.55 per $1000 per month.
2. a $100,000 life insurance policy at $170 per quarter.
I have no idea how to solve any of these. PLEASE! help me.
1 answer