Time in months Number of dollars in the account
0 600
1 540
2 480
3 420
Next, let's represent this situation with a graph. The x-axis will represent time in months and the y-axis will represent the number of dollars in the account.
Lastly, let's represent this situation with an equation. Let's denote the number of dollars in the account after t months as A(t). Then the equation would be:
A(t) = 600 - 60t
This equation represents the amount in James' savings account after t months, taking into account the 60 dollars he spends every month.
James started with 600 dollars in his savings account. Every month, James spends 60 dollars from his savings account at the grocery store. Represent this situation with a table, a graph, and an equation.
Let’s start by representing this situation with a table. Start by finding the amount in the account after 0, 1, 2 and 3 months.
Time in months Number of dollars in the account
1 answer