Jake needs to catch 1 10 pound fish to last 5 days. He catches 2 3.33 pound fish, 1 2.11 pound, and 1 1 pound fish. How long will he survive with that amount of food?

3 answers

He eats 2 lb/day.

time to last=lbs/rate=(6,66+2.11+1)/2 days
Total = 23*33 + 12*11 + 1*1 = 892 Lbs.

892Lbs * 5days/10Lbs = 446 Days.
Oops! I misread the numbers.

Total=2*3.33 + 1*2.11 + 1*1 = 9.77 Lbs.

9.77Lbs * 5days/10Lbs. = 4.9 Days or 5