Jack Sprat is a 55 year-old gentleman who underwent coronary artery bypass graft to treat atherosclerosis. He returns to his internist's office where you work as a nurse practitioner. Jack reads a lot of books and watches movies about fast foods, saturated fat, and cholesterol. He asks for your opinion of what is the best diet for him. How will you advise him?
Jack's lunch diet recall is as follows:
Turkey with Swiss on rye with thousand island dressing
Sun chips
Diet Coke
Based on the Jack Sprat's case study answer the following questions:
What recommendations will you make to improve the nutritional profile of Jack's lunch?
What dietary advice would you give to patients like Jack Sprat who have hypertension?
Would you suggest that Jack limit fats in his diet? What are specific fatty acids in specific foods he should eat more of?
What would you recommend in relation to dietary cholesterol?
Should Jack eat more whole, unprocessed, plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes? Why or why not?
What fatty foods should Jack eat less of?
Where would you direct Jack for more information on the subject?
Here is what I have so far:
First I would start by telling Jack that he needs to be eating foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats such as chicken, turkey, baked or broiled fish and whole grains. You should try to avoid fried foods, fatty cuts of meat such as beef, lamb, or veal, shrimp and other shellfish, eggs, whole milk, ice cream, and sweets such as cakes. The problem with the foods that you should try to avoid is they contain a lot of sugars, fats, and salts which block arteries.
I would recommend that Jack should replace his chips with something less fatty like vegetables or fruits. I would also recommend that Jack change is diet coke to either water, or water with crystal light. I would recommend this because it a study shows that When the researchers analyzed intake levels of sugary drinks, they discovered that the increasing consumption of sweetened beverages was associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease.
Am I on the right track? Do you have any suggestions for the other questins asked or the ones I already answered.