I've removed your post as inappropriate for a homework forum. It asks for a medical diagnosis that only a doctor who has examined the patient can give.

3 answers

Ms. Sue~
Is there something wrong with you? We are not trying to be doctors in HCA 240 - these are fictional characters! We are learning about different disorders and diseases therefore we have to know symptoms! Why would you take down a students attempt at help?
I think you are on here WAY too often.
That would be like telling students studing to be a doctor they can't have facticious patients to try and learn to diagnos symptoms so when they do have a real patient they will know what they are doing. You might as well just give everyone a license to practice medicine since you think it is illegal to try and diagnos a symptom on a facticious patient to complete an assignment.
Sue. By your definition anyone wanting to be a doctor should just be handed a license since you say it is inapropriate to do the case studies to diagnose a facticious or real case that has already been solved and the patient diagnosed by a licensed doctor. Most individulas that ask question on here I see are from University of phoenix and are asking the questions word for word as it is listed on the assignment sheet or textbook. You need to take a chill pill people here are just trying to learn and get help with what they do not understand.