I've read through this friendship poem, and now I need help with some of the questions.
Here is this frienship poem:
If you don't come-by marguerite mack
The sun will get
smaller and smaller
and the grass won't green
or the trees leaf
and there will be
no flowers or birdsong.
The winds will blow cold and the nights will be dark
without moonlight or stars
for there will be
no summer here
if you don't come.
From my point of view, I think that this poem refers to a person; a friend. This poem seems to bring strong feelings toward the reader.
From your point of view what do you think that this poem is about?
what is the poet saying in this periodic poem?
I don't really know how to explain it but I think that the poet is trying to say that without a companion, life seems dull.
Could you please add to this, I am unable to come up with the right words to describe this whole thing.
What's the significance of the title?
I don't get how to explain this at all.
is imagery important in this poem?
Yes it is, because it gets you to visualise the whole scenario. It makes you sense in your heart of what is being described.
Any other info would be appreciated.
What poetic devices are used in this poem?
-personification.-winds will blow cold
I'm not sure if a symbol is used in here.
All your help will be appreciated:-)
6 answers
The title is like the first line of the poem. The rest of the lines complete the thought -- if you don't come.
The whole poem is an extended metaphor. Obviously the earth won't actually change if the friend doesn't come.
You may be reading too much into this poem.